

    FIT 32

    A diet adapted to your cat’s lifestyle contributes to her well-being.
        An indoor cat is sedentary, and spends more time sleeping and eating than taking exercise. As she lives in a protected environment she uses up few calories, even to maintain her body temperature.
        An indoor cat runs 40% more risk of becoming overweight than a cat with outdoors access. Excess weight can rapidly result in diabetes,mobility problems and heart disease.
        Lack of exercise also leads to slower digestive transit. This phenomenon can cause intestinal disorders and result in soft smelly faeces in the cat litter tray.
        An indoor cat kills time by grooming herself for 3 to 4 hours a day.This activity, combined with a more or less permanent shedding of hair as a result of living in artificial light all year round contributes to greater ingestion of hair which accumulates in the stomach.