
FEEDING CATS > Effective weaning and growth

    Effective weaning and growth

    The kitten a growth in 2 stages.
        The kitten’s growth takes place in two stages during which she builds her future health.
    From birth to 4 months: very fast growth.
        The kitten develops her skeleton and increases her birth weight by 5 to 7 times by the age of 8 weeks. Her energy needs at this stage are very high.
    From 4 to 12 months: the rate of growth slows down…
        … to allow the skeleton to strengthen and for muscles to develop. A kitten’s energy needs during this period remain high.
    From milk teeth to final teeth.
        The milk teeth appear very early, at around the second week.The kitten enters the second stage of growth when the final set of teeth appear, at between 4 and 6 months.
    Armed for life.
    A developping digestive ability.
        At birth a kitten’s digestive system is immature and develops over the following weeks. Her food at this stage must ensure maximal digestive safety.
    Building the immune system.
        Between the 4th and 12th week of her life, the immunity transmitted by her mother through the first milk (colostrum) gradually decreases at a time when the kitten’s own immune defence system is not yet fully functional. A kitten is particularly vulnerable during this period.
    For safer growth.
        Kittens are also sensitive to infectious diseases. Recent scientific research* has led to a major nutritional discovery: a supplement of L-lysin to food helps to limit the intensity of viral re-excretion and the clinical signs of herpes virus infection.